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About La Fiamma

Founded in 1947, La Fiamma is more than a newspaper, it is the hub of a great Australian community –the Italian community.

For over 75 years, La Fiamma has been there to document the highs and lows of the Italian community in Australia.

BI-WEEKLY, the newspaper is in tune with its readers and their attitudes, often motivating them to support community interests and initiatives.

Inside the newspaper you will find a rich assortment of news and information to allow readers to keep in touch with local, international and Italian news.

  • Published every Monday and Thursday
  • Available in newsagencies for $3
  • Subscriptions: Home delivery (via newsagency) or by post
  • Full colour throughout
  • Special glossy lift-outs from time to time.
  • A rich assortment of content
    • News: national Italian news; regional Italian news; world news, Australian news
    • Local community news: includes commuity, club news and events
    • Sport: complete presentation of Italian, world and Australian sport
    • Magazine section: celebrity news, film, technology, food, fashion, crossword, horoscope and more
    • TV guide: weekly free to air and Italian Pay TV guide in the Thursday edition,
    • Opinions: columnists and opinion pieces from well known local identities
    • Information: weather, exchange rates and other vital information

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