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Walk Through Bethlehem

Evento di Editorial Team

A Walk Through Bethlehem is a living display of life in a small town at the time of the birth of Jesus. Bethlehem will be populated by spinners, weavers, blacksmiths, carpenters, potters, bakers and people of other ancient crafts and trades. There are all types of domestic and farm animals tended by a large number of enthusiastic, young shepherds. As in Jesus’ time, the Romans are ever-present. Streets are patrolled by Centurions and guards watch over the palace of King Herod. The Three Kings from the East are there with their camels and gifts. The focal point of the production is the stable, in which Mary and Joseph await the arrival of their baby, Jesus.

Data Dicembre 21, 2019 - Dicembre 23, 2019
Ora 9:00pm - 11:59am
St. Peter’s Primary School