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Mediterramìa: Luca Ciarla solOrkestra in Concert

Evento di Editorial Team

Italian-born violin wizard Luca Ciarla owns the stage with his fiddle and a few toy instruments. With a loop pedal he performs live all the parts, playing the violin also like a guitar, a cello or a percussion. In this imaginative landscape Luca sings, whistles, plays other little instruments and adds new virtuoso passages; music is continuously evolving into a dazzling solOrkestra. The Mediterramìa program features unusual arrangements of traditional Italian folk tunes, music from the Mediterranean area and original compositions. FREE EVENT. RSVP ESSENTIAL.

Data Marzo 7, 2019 - Marzo 7, 2019
Ora 6:30pm - 8:00pm
Italian Cultural Institute 233 Domain Road
South Yarra