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Piatto Pastries
Livello di difficoltà Capable Cooks
Dieta Vegetarian
Metodo Baking
Portate 10-12
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This is among the most iconic of ancient Greek dishes, which has evolved into an Easter specialty over the centuries. This sweet may also be referred to as ‘nguta, cuzzupa or sguta.



• 1 kg plain flour
• 600g bread dough
• 350g sugar
• 5 eggs (plus more for decoration)
• 1 tsp lard
• 120 ml aniseed liqueur

1. Melt the lard in a large frying pan with the sugar and a little water, then set aside to cool.
2. Meanwhile, beat the eggs and incorporate the leavened bread dough. Pour the flour onto a pastry board and add a pinch of salt before making a well.
3. Add the bread dough and liqueur. Work the ingredients until they become a soft and even dough.
4. Divide the dough into two ropes and twist them to form a “braid”, then pinch the ends together. If desired, connect the ends of the braid to form a wreath.
5. Set aside to rest overnight, then place an egg (in its shell) at the centre of the wreath for decoration.
6. Bake at 180°C for around 30 minutes or until golden.